Novelty Succulents

Rare, one of a kind, succulents. Will include consignment succulents from private sellers.
Echeveria Cinderella is a rare ornamental hobby plant. It is a hybrid made in Korean greenhouse and also known as golden rain. Double buds available in 2.50” nursery pots and...
Echeveria Ice Green or Icy Green is a beautiful chalky green hue succulent. It can develop thick coating of farina when it’s sun stressed.  Succulent grown in 2.5” nursery pot...
Aeonium Saundersii, also known as Martian Heads, is a rare densely branched succulent shrublet. Delicate small fuzzy and round rosette form at the top of the branch. Not safe outdoor under...
Echeveria unguiculata is a rare slow growing succulent with distinctive thin burgundy leaves and black tips. It's a dark-tone, greyish, unique succulent. Grown in 2.50” nursery pot and propagated in...
Echeveria Flair - Korean hybrid  Dark burgundy outlines dark green leaves. Grown in 2.50” nursery pots and propagated in locally in Toronto, Ontario.
Agave isthmensis mediopicta alba is a miniature, variegated Agave with toothy leaves shaped like butterfly wings. It’s blue-green leaves have large, white mid-stripes and long, coppery terminal spines. grown in...
Variegated Sedeveria Letizia   Grown locally in 2.50” nursery pot and propagated in Toronto, ON.
Echeveria white night champagne or baek ye is a Korean hybrid succulent. 
Crassula ‘Fantasy’ variegata is the incredibly rare form of the much-loved trailing plant the Crassula perforata ssp. Kougaensis, which is a highly sort after and popular variety. This is a...